Title: Griffin's Storm
Series: Griffin # 3Genre: Young Adult-Paranormal
Author: Darby Karchut
Publisher: Copper Square Studios
Release Date: November 10, 2012
Book: Finish copy sent by author
"An old enemy returns. A new alliance is formed. And Griffin finds himself in the eye of the storm when an ancient racial hatred is set loose, jeopardizing the very existence of the Terrae Angeli.
Once again, the teen guardian angel is forced to battle his worst nightmare. But this time, Griffin comes back swinging. With a vengeance.
After all, an eye for an eye..."
Finishing the last book makes me sad. I really enjoyed this series.
The plot of the book is awesome. Stepping into Griffin's shoes, I loved watching him go from a scared boy to a strong young man. Reading the growth of Griffin and watching him fulfill his destiny is great. Each chapter, Griffin grows stronger making mistakes along the way but becoming better. And when his past comes back to haunt him, Griffin is ready to face it.
The love interest really bugged me. I wanted these two to fall even more in love with each other be all so romantic. Instead, things pulled them apart and for me the felt stagnant. They didn't really go anywhere but didn't go back either. Still, the ending did make up for it a bit.
Overall, Griffin's Storm is a great ending. Griffin has been training this entire time to face what has haunt him so and he fight is with great perseverance and strength. I really admire Griffin's ability to stand up before it all. Griffin's Storm is mighty ending to an awesome series.
I give it 5 BITES!
Happy Reading!
Thank you so much for this awesome review. There will be one more book in the series, too! :-)